High-end treatment of hazardous waste

Developed, designed and produced in Germany, MACS meet the highest demands of industrial manufacturing. The market readiness of MACS was preceded by a development and optimization process lasting many years. In every single production step, emphasis is placed on the highest precision and strict quality management. MACS autoclaves comply with all international standards for the treatment of medical and hazardous waste and are approved worldwide. For further information we invite you to contact us!

MACS technology

The advanced MACS technology combines mechanical cutting with thermal sterilisation, under a controlled vacuum seal. To focus on sustainability, no chemicals are used.

High-end mechanical engineering and a short processing time guarantee maximum reliability and a long service life. MACS integrate a smart software and run with low operating and maintenance costs. MACS autoclaves operate very efficiently and economically.

Therefore, MACS provide the most reliable and sustainable technology to convert hazardous waste into regular and safe refuse. Above that, carbon-neutrality is an asset. MACS autoclaves operate 100 percent emission-free. For the benefit of the environment, nature and operator.

Treatment of medical waste

MACS destroy all kind of medical waste like viruses, prions, plasmids and any other DNA fragments lethally.

Under the controlled use of steam and vacuum, all contained or adhering microorganisms, including permanent forms like spores, are finally shaded with a Sterility Assurance Level of up to Log SAL = -48. The MACS technology is certified by the German Robert Koch Institute.

MACS liquid program

Moreover, MACS process large quantities of fluids like blood, urine or dialysis remains very efficiently. After processing, the sterilised fluids can be fed into the regular wastewater. The shredded containers are residual waste.

MACS food program

The MACS food program handles leftovers and peels in an easy way. The decontaminated drop can be disposed of as residual waste, with a significant reduction of weight and volume.

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